Tree climbing forum
Active + international + close to practice
The Climbing Forum is an integral part of the German Tree Care Conference and has developed into an international networking forum for arborists and rope climbers. A special feature is the ten-meter-high climbing tower, where experts provide practical training on the topics covered in technical presentations.
Tree Climbing Forum
On the Biology of Trees and Humans
Moderation: Christian ,,Puk" Kruck, ropeworks, Tübingen
09:45Changing Tasmania's Giant Tree Culture
Steve Pearce, The Tree Projects, AUS
10:30Understanding the Life of Trees - the anatomy of wood made visible
Prof. Dr. Dirk Dujesiefken, Institut für Baumpflege, Hamburg
11:15Do You Even Arbor? So many Arborists, where have all the trees gone?
Sam Hardingham, Everydayarbor, AUS
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
Moderation: Martina Borowski, freie Journalistin und Fachredakteurin, Braunschweig
13:15Evaluation and Insights from the SVLFG Accident Statistics 2023
Carsten Beinhoff, SVLFG, Kassel; Mark Bridge, treemagineers, Rannoch, GBR
14:00Work hard and stay healthy in the tree care industry. Finding the balance between exhaustion, performance limits and self-care!
Andreas Glasl, SVLFG, Kassel
14:45Coffee Break
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
15:30A deeper dive into safe use of chainsaws a discussion around ergonomics, mechanics and best practice
Gabriel Dovier, Arbotec Dovier, ITA; Peter Vergote, TreeMagicBeers, Elversele, BEL
16:1517:00The Ripple Effect: How Creative Content Elevates The Tree Care Industry
Megan James, King's Lynn, GBR; Joel Spooner, InTree Media, Vancouver, CAN
Tree Climbing Forum
From Historical to Technical Developments in Tree Care
Moderation: Anja Erni, astwerk Baumpflege, Roggwill, SUI
09:15Working relationships in tree care, an opportunity for (internal and external) cultural change?
Fabian Kaufmann, Arboreal-Baumpflege, Grasellenbach
10:00Are basal anchors safe?
Mike Curwen and Ben Connon, Arbor Ace Tree Care, GBR
10:45Coffee Break
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
11:30From someone who set out to climb trees - A conversation around the campfire with Bernd ‘’Beddes‘’ Strasser
Bernd Strasser, s'Baumkletterteam, Gomadingen; Mark Bridge, treemagineers, Rannoch, GBR
12:1520 years RR668 HSE Rigging Research, a review of rigging studies in arboriculture and what has become of them
Mark Bridge, Chris Cowell, treemagineers, Rannoch, GBR; Andreas Detter, TreeConsult, Gauting; Paul Howard, Baumpflege Paul Howard, Moosburg
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
Moderation: Mark Bridge, treemagineers, Rannoch, GBR
14:30Storm in a teacup or a genuine problem? A data-based discussion about redundancy in tree care
Anja Erni, Astwerk Baumpflege, Roggwil, SUI, Carsten Beinhoff, SVLFG, Kassel
15:15How far are you willing to go? Safety rules and what we make of them
Bernhard Schütte, Baumpflege Seenland, Rheinsberg
16:00Coffee Break
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
16:4517:30Possibilities and limits of camming devices in (tree care) rescue
Max Soballa, Soballa Baumpflege, Hamburg; Janosch Heimbucher, TreeConsult, Gauting
Tree Climbing Forum
Mobility in and around the tree
Moderation: Kay Busemann, Baumpflegeteam Busemann, Freiburg
09:00Safe rope climbing technology in tree care: working methods to prevent tree damage
Ruth Morell, arboristin.de, Institut für Arboristik, Rottenburg am Neckar
09:45Limits of the climbing pendulum - solutions through multiple lines
Paul Poynter, Wooden Hand, Matsumoto, JPN; Joe Stockton, goodtree, Drottningholm, SWE
10:30Coffee Break
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
11:15Motorised access equipment in tree care. Curse or blessing?
Gregor Hansch, Hansch Baumpflege, Berlin; Michi Hansch, Hansch Baumtechnik, Sindelfingen
12:00Waste of time or time to win – how we communicate and reduce risks at work
Veronika Ericsson, VeeTreecare, Svenarum, SWE; Janosch Heimbucher, Arbotop Baumpflege, München
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
Moderation: Carsten Beinhoff, SVLFG, Kassel
14:00If so, and how many - a guide to the cargo bike jungle
Simon Meyer, Ninja Baumpflege Bridge, Basel, SUI; Uwe Böckmann, SVLFG, Kassel
14:45Coffee Break
Practical presentations in the trade show hall and outside area
15:3016:15Factors in Falling - it's the sudden stop that smarts
Alex Laver, Tree Logic, GBR